Responsible Marketing Policy


Responsible Marketing Policy As consumers increasingly expect transparent and factual information, we are committed to providing our customers and consumers access to the necessary resources to help them make informed purchasing decisions. We proactively engage in continuous dialogue with our customers and consider specific market research so that we can continue to provide relevant, informed…

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Map of the United States of America with a location pin indicating Carrollton, Georgia

Triple G Farm

Pilgrim’s USA

Clark and Janice Garner are family farm partners to our Carrollton, GA, Complex. Garner has been a poultry farm owner for two years and has built four state-of-the-art 66′ x 600′ foot chicken houses, where he grows 60,000 chickens per house and produces six to seven flocks annually. The young couple lives in a house…

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Burns Family Farm

Pilgrim’s USA

In 2010, Jamey Burns and his wife Julie began their family farm. With the assistance of an excel spreadsheet and admirable attention to detail, they successfully planned each detail of their future poultry farm raising chickens for Pilgrim’s in Carroll County, GA. Two retired military veterans with more than 40 years of combined service –…

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Responsible Sourcing Soy Policy

Pilgrim's Moy Park

At Moy Park Our vision is to be leader in sustaining air, water and land by minimizing the resources needed to produce quality chicken products and minimizing waste generated. We are continually strengthening our commitment and evolving our approach. This includes efforts to ensure the responsible sourcing of our raw materials. We are dedicated to…

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Map of the United States of America with a location pin indicating Greeley, Colorado

Supplier Code of Conduct


Pilgrim’s is committed to conducting business ethically, with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as various international standards including OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO). Pilgrim’s expects Vendors to demonstrate the…

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